The Intercontinental Church of God

Survey of Doctrine: Topic: Member responsibility

Survey of Doctrine: Topic: Member responsibility

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This doctrine comes with a great amount of responsibility.  Responsibility to God, to God's Word, to yourself and to the brethren in the Body of Christ.  I will detail some of these responsibilities in the Healing Checklist.  The key statements below, with their corresponding paragraph links into the doctrine breakout into ten areas:

A firstfruit must be immersed into the Word of God and understand this and all doctrine.  They must see that healing is more than just seeking out an elder when we are sick.  They must see that it is closely linked with a myriad of other spiritual factors including, but not limited to Christ, salvation, faith, death, the resurrections, the millennium, forgiveness of sin and the love and mercy of God the Father.

Conclusion: Key points: