The Intercontinental Church of God

Survey of Doctrine: Topic: Godly purpose

Survey of Doctrine: Topic: Godly purpose

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God's purpose and His will are the highest, most supreme factors in everything, including healing. God is not limited by anything. God can heal or withhold healing for any number of reasons, including many far beyond our comprehension at this time. He does heal and will continue to heal, as long as there is need and purpose. God is looking far beyond the physical realm. His eyes are on the Kingdom and eternity. Though faith is important in the healing equation, it is not all-important. God can heal a person despite his level of faith. Sometimes God will allow the Christian to die. Death is one form of permanent healing. Angels rejoice at the death of a firstfruit as he or she is confirmed to the Kingdom of God and eternal life. Indeed, the greatest act of healing God will ever perform is the resurrection to eternal life.

Conclusion: Key points: