The Intercontinental Church of God

Healing Bible Study - Questions - printer-friendly

Healing Bible Study - printer-friendly


1] True or False: 
People have not always been healed with the same regularity or for the same reason.

2] True or False:  The Old Testament records many healings.

3] True or False: 
Jesus' miracles of healing helped establish His absolute credibility as one sent from God.  Healing also expressed Christ's power on earth.

4] True or False: 
It is quite evident that God is not healing today in the same manner or to the same degree that He did in early New Testament times.

5] True or False: The use of the word "heal" in the Bible is rather narrow.

6] True or False:  God heals
inanimate things.

7] True or False:  One can be healed of faithlessness or backsliding.

8] True or False:  Physicians and human healers are condemned in the Bible.

9] True or False:  Healing is limited to God.

10] True or False:
"Healing" can include the physical body's normal mechanisms of recuperation and repair as part of its overall definition.

11] True or False: In the New Testament there is a link between healing and spiritual salvation.

12] True or False:
If one approaches the scriptural references to healing without the full biblical context, and out of the context of human experience, he may fix upon them a meaning not supported by logic, common sense or proper biblical exegesis.

13] True or False: In Deuteronomy 28 we read that blessings come only with obedience; curses automatically follow transgression.

14] True or False: Elisha's bones brought a man back to life yet Elisha died of a sickness.

15] True or False: Healing is an absolute and unconditional promise of God.

16] True or False: What God
will actually do in any given situation remains unknowably beyond our limited understanding.

17] True or False: James 5:14-20 states that God's promise to heal is absolute.

18] True or False: While James in James 5 is primarily speaking of physical healing upon anointing by the elders, he is also alluding to spiritual salvation and the resurrection from the dead.

19] True or False: The Bible condemns ancient practitioners who relied on pagan gods, amulets, incantations or other forms of magic. This fact precludes a firstfruit from using doctors and the medical professions of today.

20] True or False:  Rather than relying on medicines, the firstfruit should rely on God as his sole source of healing.

21] True or False:  Jesus denigrates physicians in the New Testaments.

22] True or False:
Medicines used to heal sickness are condemned in the Bible.

23] True or False: The Bible gives basic principles of health which would prevent many of the health problems plaguing modern man.

24] True or False: A regular program of routine physical examinations by a qualified doctor is also important in recognizing and solving any potential problems before they become serious.

25] True or False:
Maintaining a positive mental outlook and a peaceful mental attitude is important to good health.

26] True or False: Human
beings so often ignore the basic rudiments of health that imbalances occur, with sickness and disease the natural result.

27] True or False: Most of man's health problems are self-generated.

28] True or False:  Human aid from medical specialist can hinder God from
intervening miraculously.

29] True or False:  The divine
healing process is apart from, and not in conflict with, anything a person can do to help himself

30] True or False:  Not being healed, is not a sin.

31] True or False: The ill individual should look to man for whatever physical help he can receive but should also look to God to do what man cannot do.

32] True or False:
The basic instructions followed by the Church are found in James 5:14.

33] True or False: The
act of one having hands laid upon him shows the person's desire to be set apart by God through His Spirit for the special miracle of the divine healing of his body.

34] True or False: Sickness can never be the direct result of personal sin.

35] True or False: When sin is involved, the sin can be forgiven, as well as the sickness being healed.

36] True or False: In John 9 Jesus explains that the cause for the blindness in the man was due to sin.

37] True or False: The Bible shows many examples of physical sin.

38] True or False: Sickness that is self-generated
through ignorance, error or neglect should be called "physical mistakes" rather than "physical sin."

39] True or False:
If, the illness or injury is directly or indirectly caused by the breaking of one of God's laws then the cause of the problem is indeed sin in its true biblical meaning.

40] True or False: Whether
sin is involved or not, healing is a manifestation of God's mercy and an exemplification of God's love.  

41] True or False:
Understanding the significance of all the healings performed by Jesus is essential to salvation.

42] True or False:
Healing was one of the foundational signs that God employed to demonstrate the power and to ratify the office of His Son.

43] True or False:
Jesus' primary object in performing the numerous healings that he did throughout His ministry, was to give an absolutely certain, physically verifiable demonstration of His spiritual power.     

44] True or False: Of course it must be understood that the healings of Jesus and the gospel are two separate issues.

45] True or False: Physical healing is the restoring of the physical body to its original, pure and whole state.  The gospel message is about the restoring of the earth to its original, pure and whole state.  Thus healing and the gospel message are inseparable.

46] True or False:
Healing demonstrates Jesus' power over Satan and his demons.

47] True or False: Healing showed Jesus' authority over the Sabbath day.

48] True or False: There does not seem to be any relationship between physical healing and spiritual salvation.

49] True or False: Healing demonstrates the power Jesus has to forgive sin and resurrect the dead.

50] True or False: T
he faith of the one who is ill and the mercy of God are intrinsic [inherent] to healing.

51] True or False: The faith of the one who is ill and the mercy of God are intrinsic [inherent] to forgiveness of sin.

52] True or False:
Rather than healing being the forgiveness of sin, Jesus used His power to heal in order to prove that He also had the power to forgive sin.

53] True or False: T
he power to forgive sin is proved by the healing.

54] True or False: The ultimate miracle of healing that Jesus performed was the cleansing of the lepers.

55] True or False:
Just as Jesus instantly changed sick bodies into healthy bodies, so shall Christ instantly change mortal bodies into immortal bodies.

56] True or False: Healing is to resurrection to eternal life as sickness is to the resurrection to eternal death.  Healing pictures resurrection to eternal life.  Sickness pictures resurrection to eternal death.

57] True or False:
Healing is the clearest physical counterpart of the great spiritual event when human mortality shall be swallowed up by godly immortality and when mankind shall be born into God's Family.  

58] True or False: Faith
is absolutely essential to the cleansing of our sins and our resurrection to eternal life.

59] True or False: A
person's faith in Jesus Christ, is a critical and necessary element-in healing, in the forgiveness of sin, in conversion, and, ultimately, in the resurrection from the dead.

60] True or False:
The healing of the physical body, radically and miraculously altering it from a state of sickness to a state of health, symbolizes what God can do through Christ to our minds, hearts and spirits.

61] True or False: The cleansing of our minds is a process that takes place over a period of time in the Salvation Process.

62] True or False: Jesus also healed people out of compassion and love.

63] True or False: Jesus
suffered the penalty of our sins through His beating, crucifixion and death that we might be relieved of all our infirmities, whether physical, mental or spiritual

64] True or False: A lack of understanding of the Healing doctrine
has resulted in many Church members remaining weak and ill, with some even having died.

65] True or False: Physical
ills do result from spiritual problems.

66] True or False: At Passover, to avoid eating and drinking unworthily, we must 1) Discern the bread and wine as the body and blood of Jesus---discerning the body and 2) have
profound appreciation of, and personal identification with, the sufferings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

67] True or False: T
he profound appreciation of, and personal identification with, the sufferings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, are vital elements of the healing Process.

68] True or False: During Jesus' ministry, He encountered a number of individuals with the Holy Spirit in them.

69] True or False: With all the healings and miracles Jesus performed, He rarely needed to discuss the subject of faith with His disciples.

70] True or False: Thankfully the disciples did not have to perform miracles in order to spread the gospel.

71] True or False: God's plan in the first century was to grow a very large church.

72] True or False: The number of great healings and miracles declined steadily after the first decades of the church.

73] True or False: W
e should be able to study God's Word and develop real spiritual faith without depending on the external crutch of physical evidence through miracles.  

74] True or False: W
e surely know that God is not pouring out His Spirit to empower His ministers to perform breathtaking miracles as obviously and as supernaturally inspired as those that occurred in the early New Testament Church.

75] True or False: There are biblical hints that we will see astounding miracles and healings as we move closer to the return of Jesus Christ.

76] True or False:
We can know for sure that the same Personality who healed the sick, cleansed the lepers and raised the dead has promised, and has the power to forgive our sins, cleanse our bodies and spirits, and eventually resurrect us from the dead.

77] True or False:
To understand the Practical application of healing today, several complex interrelationships (such as between faith and healing, and faith and medical procedures) need to be considered.

78] True or False:
The human body was designed to die.

79] True or False:
God could, if He so desired, preserve physical existence to eternity.  However He chooses not to do this.

80] True or False:
Healing pertains to this life alone and is a short-term, although important concern.

81] True or False: One's ultimate reward in the Kingdom will be based on whether he or she were ever healed in this physical life.

82] True or False: When we pray to be healed and are not healed, we should necessarily assume a lack of faith,
unrighteousness, and/or insufficient spirituality on our part.

83] True or False: N
either healing nor the lack of it are an indication of one's level of faith or spirituality.

84] True or False:
God sometimes heals the new convert and the spiritually immature, while he may withhold it from the mature Christian.

85] True or False:
Faith is not the sole criterion for determining whether a person shall be healed.

86] True or False: Jesus once stated, "
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."

87] True or False:
God may heal to show mercy, to express love, to encourage the spiritually weak, to reinforce faith and/or as a witness of the gospel.

88] True or False: God may heal a person as a witness for other people to see.  In other words, God had those seeing the healing more in mind that the one healed.

89] True or False:
In the matter of healing, it may be one's attitude as much as one's faith that may influence what God will do.

90] True or False:
Anyone who seeks to be healed to show others his righteousness or favor with God, will be sadly and sorrowful, disappointed.    

91] True or False:
In the Church today, we see no evidence of a gift healing having been bestowed on any individual.

92] True or False: T
here is no way of knowing in advance whether any person will be supernaturally healed.

93] True or False: T
he Church teaches that its ministry must not attempt to influence the person in any way regarding what type of action he may wish to take for his health other than to recommend that each person seek the most professionally competent specialists available for consultation or procedure.

94] True or False:
The relationship between healing and faith is simple rather than complex.

95] True or False: In all the recorded healings of the Bible, the person being healed demonstrated a faith that Jesus could and would do it.

96] True or False: Christians must learn to work up the faith required for healing.

97] True or False: Only God can supply the faith needed for healing.

98] True or False: An actual healing or lack of healing
must never be viewed as a straightforward indication of an individual's righteousness, spirituality or favor with God.

99] True or False: I
t is our responsibility to yield to God and His Spirit so that we may grow in God-given faith.

100] True or False:
The lack of faith is not sin, nor is the lack of healing a sin.

101] True or False:
The fact that one person decides to seek anointing for the healing of a physical condition while another suffering from the same condition, does not, can in no way be taken to mean that the first person is necessarily righteous or that the second person is necessarily unrighteous.

102] True or False:
We all, in some manner, lack faith. This is no more an indictment than to say that we are all human.

103] True or False:
 To say that a person lacks faith is not necessarily to blame him in any way, since faith comes from God.

104] True or False: Having a lack of faith is a sin.

105] True or False:
There is sometimes the misconception that if something did not happen as hoped, it was due to lack of faith. As a blanket assumption, this is very true.

106] True or False: Absolute
belief in something contrary to God's intention will not bring it about.

107] True or False:
Healing is not an absolute promise according to one's faith.

108] True or False: Paul, who was never healed of the "thorn in his side" once said, "
For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong."

109] True or False: Faith was definitely a factor in Paul not being healed.

110] True or False:
It is in no way "godly" or "spiritual" for a person to overestimate his own faith.

111] True or False:
A person's faith-even one's own faith-is difficult if not impossible to assess.

112] True or False:
"Hoping" or "wishing" to be healed is the same thing as having the special faith that God must give to really be healed.

113] True or False:
 Faith must not be confused with desires, fears or pressures.

114] True or False: T
o act based on fear, and convince oneself that it is based on faith, is brutal self-deception which can yield no good result either physically or spiritually.  

115] True or False: Pride, stubbornness, peer-pressure or having a martyr complex can be confused with faith.

116] True or False:
A Christian must walk in continual faith.

117] True or False:
One of the biggest factors that blocks a person from receiving more faith is his own erroneous belief that he already has enough faith when he does not.

118] True or False:
One reason people are not healed is because they do not have the appropriate faith.

119] True or False:
For a person not to acknowledge his lack of faith would be folly indeed.    

120] True or False: A
Christian who is realistic enough to soberly assess his own faith and find it wanting is a "weak" Christian.

121] True or False:
Healing and faith are totally private matters between a person and God.

122] True or False:
To anoint for every sniffle or mild ache makes a mockery of divine healing and Christ's suffering.

123] True or False: A minister is to
respect the judgment of the sick person who feels that he needs anointing. 

124] True or False: It is rather easy for a true Christian to ascertain why a person was healed or not healed.

125] True or False:
Death may in some cases be a greater sign of faith than life and healing.

126] True or False: One should not assume his sickness is terminal and avoid seeking medical care.

127] True or False:
 If God's will is for a person to die, it should be in spite of his best efforts to recover and not because of his stubbornness in avoiding professional aid.    

128] True or False:
It is both offensive and inaccurate to say that one who is not supernaturally healed (or who seeks medical aid) is a "Weak" Christian.

129] True or False:
It is entirely within biblical principles and common sense to seek competent medical help and still rely on God for healing at the same time.    

130] True or False: Asking God to do for us what we can do for ourselves is tempting God.

131] True or False: Both God and doctors can heal.

132] True or False: Going
or not going to a physician is not a test of righteousness.

133] True or False: One's use of medical professions is a clear indicator of the level of faith he has in God.

134] True or False:
Faith is fully determined by the person's attitude in his private relationship with God.  

135] True or False: The account in Luke 8 of the
 woman having an issue of blood twelve years is a prime biblical example of one lacking in faith. 

136] True or False:
Faith says that God can heal; it is not a guarantee that God shall heal in every individual situation.

137] True or False:
It is surely not a sign of faith to neglect appropriate physical methods which can cure a disease, slow an illness or relieve suffering.

138] True or False:
It is also not a sign of faith to seek obscure second-class treatment when competent first-class health care is readily available.   

139] True or False: Christians should thank God for the positive advances in medical science.

140] True or False: Church members should look to their ministry and church for the best advice in regarding treatments and procedures.

141] True or False:
James wrote that "faith without works is dead." This applies to all aspects of the Christian life including health maintenance, health care, disease prevention, regular checkups by a qualified doctor, and healing and/or medical procedures in times of illness or injury.

142] True or False: Asking
God to bless the skill of the doctor in his diagnosis and treatment would be taking our faithfulness too far.

143] True or False:
No physical procedure is intrinsically more righteous or spiritual than any other, though one may well be more effective and have fewer side effects than another.

144] True or False:
One physical method is not more godly than another; one physical method is not necessarily more in harmony with the Bible than another. Physical healing-of any and every sort-must be distinguished from divine, miraculous, supernatural healing.     

145] True or False:
The efficacy of different physical treatments is evaluated by their results, not by their degree of spirituality.

146] True or False:
Proper health care should include periodic physical examinations for all Christians and their families by a qualified medical doctor.

147] True or False: In seeking out medical professionals, understand that one is about as good as another and therefore it matters not who you use.

148] True or False:
Christians must never judge one another, nor compare themselves among themselves.

149] True or False:
It is carnal, but nonetheless common, for many individuals to consider their own particular approach to physical health and healing as the best or the most spiritual.

150] True or False: While
everyone has the full freedom to make their own decisions in such deeply personal matters as health, basic human decency and comity [atmosphere of social harmony] dictate that one should never try to impose his will on others.

151] True or False: The minister
should faithfully teach what the Bible says about health and healing, and he should also encourage his people to seek the best professional advice available when needed.    

152] True or False: By
virtue of his ordination, a minister is a medical or nutritional expert.

153] True or False:
The minister must be truly neutral on medical matters.

154] True or False: One
of the minister's more important duties is to be sure that members of his church are not judging each other and are not comparing themselves among themselves with respect to health procedures and healing.

155] True or False:
Divine healing is a miraculous intervention by the creator of the universe in our lives; it is a special blessing from God given according to His mercy and our faith, and represents God's power through Jesus Christ to forgive our sins, cleanse our minds and, ultimately, establish the Kingdom of God on earth and resurrect our bodies from the dead.  

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